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Entrance door, single panelled radiator, power points, stairs to first floor. Carpet.
Window to front, single panelled radiator, gas fire with surround, power points. Carpet.
Window to front, fitted wall and base units with counter tops, inset stainless steel sink and drainer, eye level double oven, gas hob, space and plumbing for appliances power points. Laminate flooring.
French doors to patio, single panelled radiator, power points. Laminate flooring.
Wall mounted gas boiler, low level WC. Vinyl flooring.
Window to rear, door onto patio, fitted base units, space and plumbing for appliances, power points. Vinyl flooring.
Window to side, access to loft space, power points. Carpet.
Window to front, fitted wardrobes, single panelled radiator, power points. Carpet.
Window to rear, fitted wardrobes, single panelled radiator, power points. Carpet.
Window to front, fitted cupboard, single panelled radiator, power points. Laminate flooring.
Opaque window to rear, walk-in shower cubicle, wash hand basin with storage, low level WC, towel rail/radiator, tiled walls, extractor fan. Vinyl flooring.
Windows to side, electric up and over door, power and lighting.
Gated front driveway with brick boundary wall. Rear landscaped garden with patio and lawn areas, timber shed, greenhouse and fence boundary.