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Entrance door, power points, stairs to first floor.
French doors to garden, radiator, power points, office area with radiator and power points.
Windows to front and side, well fitted kitchen with an excellent range of high gloss base and wall mounted units, wooden worksurfaces, 6 ring gas range, tiled splashbacks, power points. Dining area centering upon an electric fire set in surround, power points.
Window to side, plumbing for automatic washing machine, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, tiled splash backs.
Window to side, feature panelled walls, radiator, access to loft space. Doors to;
Window to front, panelled bath with shower over, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, fully tiled walls.
Window to front, ceiling coving, small brick feature cast iron fireplace, radiator, power points.
Window to rear, ceiling coving, feature panelling, radiator, power points.
Window to rear, ceiling coving, radiator, power points.
To the outside are lawned front and side gardens with well planted borders and a lovely decked area. There is also a side drive leading to a detached garage and a garden area to the rear of the property.